Permit Requirements
All applicants requesting a “Homeowner’s Permit” and to be doing the work themselves, shall have the approval of the inspector(s), prior to issuance of a permit. When a contractor is doing the proposed work, the contractor(s) must be licensed for the City of Lake Station, and the contractor(s) obtain the permit(s).
No more than 30% of a residential lot shall be occupied by structures. No more than 30% of a residential lot shall be occupied by structures.
R-2 (Single Family) Zoned Districts
[Dwellings, Garages; Room Additions; Accessory Buildings]
(NOTE: Inspectors have 48 hours to inspect)
To submit a LEGAL PLAT OF SURVEY of property. (Re: All New Construction). Must have stakes visible, and must have a street address prior to bldg. permit issued.
Location & Size of proposed construction & location to be indicated on plat of survey.
Plans & Specifications of the proposed construction. (one(1) set required for our files)
Permits to be obtained for: Building; Electric; Plumbing; HVAC; Sewer.
All Structures: Minimum of 5 ft. side yard (corner lots @ 25 ft. side yards)
Single-Family Dwellings
Minimum size @ 912 sq. ft. of living area & 35 ft. max. hgt.
Min. Lot size: 60 ft. by 125 ft. (@ 7,500 sq. ft.) & Front yard set-back @ min. of 30 ft.
Sidewalks; Two (2) Off-Street Parking spaces and an “Occupancy Permit” are required.
State Energy Code for Insulation: R-38 (Ceiling); R-19 (Walls); R-10 (Foundation)
New Construction: Additions; Attached Garages:
Foundations: 42” Deep (If no basement: 40” is allowed = 5 Blocks High)
Footings: 8” Thickness by 16” Width; To project 4” on each side of walls
Inspections Required @ 4
1) Footing (Prior to concrete being poured)
2) Foundation (Including: Beam; Anchor Bolts; Sill Plates)
3) Rough-In
4) Final
Detached Garages
Maximum size @ 676 sq. ft. (24x24’ or 26x26’) Max. Hgt. @ 14 ft.
Footing/Foundation: 12” Deep by 12” Wide, with a 4” Concrete Floor. (Specs available)
Inspections Required @ 2
1) Footing/Foundation (Prior to Concrete being poured)
2) Final
(Note: Electrical Permit required, if to install electric)
Accessory Buildings
Maximum of 100 sq. ft. and 10 ft. max. Height.
Note: It is the responsibility of the property owner(s) to verify locations & if accessible to all public utilities on new construction. (Public Works Dept. @ 962-8511)